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Retired Members

NameFirst Elected DateRetired Date
 118 items in 12 pages
Councillor M Afzal26 July 200404 April 2005
Cllr Muhammad Afzal29 May 201525 June 2016
Councillor John Alden25 May 200624 May 2012
Councillor Shaukat Ali Khan25 June 200727 June 2010
Councillor Shaukat Ali Khan26 June 201104 May 2012
Cllr Keith Robert Allcock25 June 201623 June 2018
Councillor Adrian Andrew22 June 200927 May 2012
Councillor Malkiat Singh Auluck17 May 201204 July 2014
Councillor Nicolas Barlow27 October 201405 May 2022
Councillor Matt Bennett27 June 201010 June 2011

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